Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The future of audio speakers and sound

If you love music and sound, then that knowledge is the quality of the speaker of one of the most important factors that the quality of sound to determine. Speakers are not seems so many other things in our lives, such as computers and mobile phones, but are to change fixed? Knowledge, find the latest in the important area of speaker granted patents want. foreign inventors and other countries are the most frequent winner of the patient, especially from Asian countries.This was not only for utility models relating to improvements of the speakers, but also for design that contains on the artistic designs of loudspeakers.

A brief overview of the structure of the speaker helps to see where the latest innovations to do. The sound produce mechanism of the speaker is retained by a framework in place. The framework consists of: a basket and a soft donut shaped seal two plates of loading of the magnet. There are seven components of this Mechanismus.Diese elements are: the magnet, the metal core, a voice coil to a light spindle, the shuttle, cones or aperture.Cone/diaphragm and voice coil wrapped a one Assembly and managed a surround and the Spider (also known as a damper). If the current flows through the coil, it is driven by electromagnetic force.

The 27 utility patents in the last 18 months, the largest number of include the voice coil, the 8. The element that contains the next most innovation is the Cone (also known as an aperture), 6 spam.messages third Spider (also known as a damper) with 4 innovations.magnetic poetry followed by this are the basket (2), (2), (1), (1) Horn and surround (1). A patent is for a new type of dust cover (1), the pressure waves with less interference. The dominance of the voice coil patents may be evidence that the critical point is, because this is where electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, for the pressure of air.

In addition to the innovations aimed parts were 10 designs that significant restructuring of the speaker. Examples using bar magnets or coils in the cone eingebettet.In of fact, were the most innovation efforts for the company's general structure of the speaker for flat speakers.a massive research and technical effort to create flat speakers spent clearly another trend was in the last 18 months. All this to one thing: the presenter of the future is flat. For at least that is what the producers who think. This is probably based on market research in which flat speakers, with your flat panel TVs continue to fight for customers.

An example of an innovation in flat speaker comes from a patent from Sony. This design allows a spokesman, 5 meters high, 3 m wide, and where the sound is generated by vibration for printing the engines a pore-free structure. There is no voice coil and a cone. The Sony patent involves using the rack pinion gear to the location of the vibration of the fabric for optimum sound. We all want our flat panel TVs, and in the future we all want our flat panel speakers to make.

It is not dead to invent freelance.The two clear market leader in speaker innovation freelance are inventor and pioneer company (table 1). Combined, these two 41% of all new utility models in the last 18 Monaten.Haben for these two leaders Sony Matsushita and co-operation by pioneer co. and Honda co., by order of the number of patents.The latter companies make to 26% of all new utility patents. all patents were granted to entities with the exception of one lonely patent to benefit National Taiwan University.

Design patents are for the appearance of boxes, the inventor rights to a particular kind of performances of the speaker. by default the Cabinet speaker models had a clear edge over the other types at a frequency of 9 of the patents in the 12 Monaten.Die are other types of design patents for home theater systems, car speaker remote devices acoustic notification, iPod docking stations and of course computer speakers. other types include: microphone shields, portable speakers, subwoofer enclosure tweeter and even speakers steht.Die top five design types are in the upper 59% speaker designs displayed.

Patents which were only design patents, 57% for only one speaker, 26.5% of patents with much less patents that more than two speakers had threats.the design with the largest number of speakers had 8 57.1 %.Modelle with two speakers. depend on speaker was from Moog Inc. for a remote device acoustic hageln.Diese military equipment are for the provision of audible alerts to potential threats at stand-off distances.

The leading companies in the speaker design patents followed Sony in the top slot (on Hosiden) by Samsung SDI Technologies Inc., Moog Inc. and Panasonic.These six companies account for 69% of all patents from the speaker in the last 12 months.Although the two leaders are foreign, there were also three domestic companies in the top six speakers design patents, which is nice to see American engineers.

A formidable aspect which last speaker is patents for American engineers the preponderance of patents held by foreign inventors the above that the domestic creators.Percentage of patents of utility "domestic" for speakers one measly.11% of a total of 27 patents rated, 24 of which were foreign, while only 3or were the home.

In connection with the speaker design patents are designed for the speakers the story is similar with 43% of the speakers design patents will domestic inventors.Although the US inventor not good for most patents loudspeaker design, it is clear that you remember interested speakers design than as a function of the speaker.

The electromagnetic speaker today, many of the same structure, since 1875 by Alexander Graham Bell.the fidelity speaker was patented the purpose may the radical technical inventions have been for some time, but the latest patents granted show that radical design and performance improvements are included in our future.

Nathaniel Lee Glenn is a technician in a State of Franklin Analytics, Member of the audio engineering society and engineering student at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.


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